2018 Partnership Grants to Protect Honey Bees in New England, Control Mice in Multi-Family Housing, and Improve Turfgrass

In 2018, the Northeastern IPM Center awarded more than $300,000 for research and outreach through its IPM Partnership Grants, a competitive funding program.

The Northeastern IPM Center began funding projects through the IPM Partnership Grants Program in 2004. Applications have come from public and private institutions or organizations, businesses, commodity groups, and private individuals.

This year, the projects include efforts to mobilize existing monitoring infrastructure to obtain baseline tick prevalence data. Other researchers will test ground barriers for swede midge on small-scale brassica farms. In another project, investigators will improve strawberry transplants. A fourth team will conduct outreach about varroa mite among New England beekeepers. In three additional projects, scientists aim to improve turfgrass in urban environments, assess infestation and effective control methods of mice in multi-family housing, and develop tools for prioritizing, listing and visualizing invasive plant range shifts in connection with climate change.

Read the full article from the Northeastern IPM Center here, http://www.northeastipm.org/ipm-in-action/current-news/2018-partnership-grants-to-protect-honey-bees-in-new-england-control-mice-in-multi-family-housing-and-improve-turfgrass/