Privacy Policy


We use the 3rd-party company Simplifi to put a “tracking-pixel” on our website, so that, when you are on other (3rd-party) websites, and those other websites decide to show advertisements to you, we want to pay them to show our advertisements to you, rather than someone else’s advertisements. For example, there is a conference “IPM Symposium” that we participate in, and because you visit our site, we think you might be interested in the conference; We’d love for you to join us there! So we want to pay other websites to show an advertisement for this to you. You will see the same number of ads regardless.

Simplifi‘s privacy policy is located at ““. You can opt out of the “tracking pixel” by enabling your web-browser’s “Do Not Track” setting, or by manually opting out at ““. You will see the same number of ads regardless.


We also use Google Analytics to get an idea of how many people visit our site, which of our web-pages they spend the most time on, which countries our visitors are from, and similar information. Their privacy policy is located at ““. You can opt out of Google Analytics at ““.