Call for Nominations for CA DPR’s 2016 IPM Achievement Award

Are you aware of a group that’s using reduced-risk pest management practices and taking a leadership role to promote these practices? The California State Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) is now accepting nominations for its new 2016 IPM Achievement Award. The awards are presented to groups, organizations, schools, or companies that develop and share their IPM practices and achievements. CA DPR began its IPM Innovator Award program in 1994 to recognize pioneering agricultural and urban organizations for their pest management leadership and creativity. This new award will replace the IPM Innovators going forward, expanding to include a wider range of accomplishments in areas of leadership, education and outreach, and innovation, and for participation by more diverse practitioners.

To submit a nomination online, click here for the submission form or visit CA DPR’s web site,, and type IPM Achievement or Innovators in the search box at the top of the page. Select Nominate a group for an IPM Achievement Award to access the online submission form. CA DPR will accept nominations for 2016 awards through June 30, 2016.