April 2017 IFSN Seminar Overview

On April 20, 2017, Dr. H. Morgan Scott, Texas A&M University presented “Antimicrobial Resistance and Food Safety: A Slumgullion Stew of Science, Policy, and Practice.” This seminar has been approved by the Commission on Dietetic Registration for 1.0 Continuing Professional Education Unit (CEU).*

This seminar is part of the Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition (IFSN) Seminar Series. These monthly seminars aim to disseminate new knowledge; engage with partners and stakeholders; and inspire the next generation of food safety and nutrition experts. For full information on the series, visit the seminar webpage.

Seminar Overview
Antimicrobial use and resistance in food production – and their public health consequences – encompass a wide array of issues spanning the realm from molecular biology through social science. Critical issues of importance include emerging science, policy and practice. Contemporary aspects of each of these three areas will be discussed during the webinar. The emphasis in the science realm will be on understanding the complexity of estimating the impacts of antimicrobial use on bacterial resistance in food production as well as the risks these may pose to public health. Examples of emerging resistance to critically important antimicrobials such as the extended-spectrum beta-lactams, carbapenems, and colistin will be described in more detail. Policy aspects affecting antimicrobial use and resistance will include a discussion of moral imperatives, ethical practice, and understanding common and differing perspectives of various stakeholders. Evidence for best practices will be highlighted by the rapidly changing landscape of what we know (or believe we know), highlighted by several recent reports.

Following the webinar, participants should be able to: 1) describe the components and complexity of the ecology of antimicrobial resistance in food production systems; 2) identify emerging antimicrobial resistance issues of critical importance to public health; 3) understand factors impacting policy at levels ranging from the individual actor through organizational, governmental and international levels; and 4) understand the rapidly shifting landscape of evidence for best practices and, ideally, identifying those core principles that are robust to such rapid changes.

Resource Details
Adobe Connect Seminar
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*Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) or Nutrition and Dietetics Technicians, Registered (NDTRs) who attend this seminar and wish to receive the CEU certificate please e-mail Mallory M. Koenings