Healthy Kids Heroes 2018: Speaking Up For Safety

Every year to mark the anniversary of the March 18,1937 Texas School​ Explosion I salute inspirational leaders who demonstrate an​ extraordinary sense of responsibility and commitment to the safety of​ children and their communities.

The Healthy Kids Hero Award was created as an annual opportunity to​ remember the 1937 tragedy — a gas explosion that killed more than 300​ people, mostly students, in their new state-of-the-art public school​ where no expense had been spared except when it came to safety.

One lesson of the 1937 tragedy is that a safe quality environment​ depends on champions dedicated to making safety and health a priority.

For 2018, there are three heroes. Each is known for effective advocacy and professionalism, the ability to inspire others, and​ ​especially for being compassionate, genuine and kind.​

Their work illustrates the power of allies who share their sense of​ personal responsibility and purpose. They each contribute countless​ ​hours of professional and​ ​personal time as resources and mentors to​ ​their community and colleagues.

  • IPM is a Team Effort. Kathy Murray is the Integrated Pest Management​ (IPM) Specialist at the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation​ ​and Forestry.