Join us for breakfast!

Complimentary breakfast at WFFVC
Please join the UW-Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems for a
complementary breakfast Tuesday morning 1/10 at the WAGA conference This is a chance for you to share your experiences with growers interested in the eco-apple networks. We hope to act as a catalyst for networks in other parts of the state for both apples and berries, so please attend if you might be interested in telling of your experiences. Ideally, a representative from each network would be on hand. Can you help?
Breakfast will start at 6:45 and at 7 some of you will share your experiences. (I know, Wendy, it is early!)
There will be a sign-up at the registration desk. Be sure to sign up by Monday at 4 or email me in advance at . We want to plan for enough food for all. As of this writing, 6 new growers have expressed interest!