Research Topics for Improved Organic Tree Fruits

Below is a list of most important research topics for improved organic tree fruits developed by growers, researchers and industry reps. at the Fourth International Organic Tree Fruit Symposium at Michigan State University. This list will be sent to Extension’s Integrated Organic Program and to the Organic Farming Research Foundation to provide ideas for future research that needs to be funded.
1. Systems approach for insect pest management: Understanding interactions among biotic and abiotic environment, ecosystem, and social environment of organic tree fruit systems.
2. Systems approach for disease management
3. Marketing strategies
4. Cultural management of organic fruit trees
5. Managing for organic pesticide non-target effects
6. Extension/education needs
Potential Funders for Organic Tree Fruit Systems Research:
Integrated Organic Program
NRI Managed Ecosystems: Diana Jerkins
National and Regional IPM Programs
Reduced Risk: Bob Nowerski (CSREES)
Risk Management Agency
To see the specific items listed under each topic, click here.