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The American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA) Research Fund invites new proposals for research on mosquito control and related topics for 2018.
In alignment with the former Mosquito Research Foundation’s goals the AMCA Research Fund is devoted to funding research that will lead to new tools and strategies for mosquito surveillance and control and ultimately protecting the public from mosquito-borne disease and discomfort from mosquito bites.
In general, AMCA Research Fund seeks to support research that:
• Enhances public mosquito and vector control agency mosquito control programs
• Originates from young researchers building their careers
More specifically, AMCA Research Fund priority areas include but are not limited to projects investigating:
• Mosquito behavior and ecology
• Arbovirus transmission
• Chronic and/or acute impact of pesticides on target and non-target organisms
• Novel methods of domestic and/or urban mosquito surveillance and control
• Novel methods of arbovirus surveillance, control, and risk prediction
• Adulticides and/or larvicides: new products research
• Pesticide efficacy and/or resistance
The AMCA Research Fund will consider proposals from public and private universities, mosquito abatement districts, and other qualified research institutions.
Early career researchers including those at the Assistant Professor rank, Post Docs, PhD candidates, and researchers at county and state government institutions with fewer than 10 years on the job are especially encouraged to apply.
No more than 2 proposals per researcher per grant cycle will be accepted.
Proposals will be evaluated on their scientific merit and relevance to the outlined priority areas.
Proposals are reviewed by a committee appointed by the AMCA Board of Directors that will consist of at least three leaders in the mosquito and vector control industry, three district personnel, three university personnel, and three government (state, local, federal) public health personnel.
All proposals must conform to local, State, and Federal regulations including those governing the use of humans and non-human animals in scientific research and all environmental regulations.
Proposals will be reviewed from September 29 to November 30, 2017 with awardee notification by December 15, 2017.
Funding will be provided to awardees by January 15, 2018, and awardees will be publicly announced at the 2018 AMCA Annual Meeting in Kansas City, MO, and published in the Annual Meeting Program.
Funding awarded may be up to $55,000 per one year of a project; however, preference will be given to smaller projects.
Funds should be spent within 12 months of the award date; unspent funds will be revoked and replaced into the AMCA Research Fund pool for the next funding cycle. Requests for extension beyond 12 months must be submitted to the AMCA Research Fund no later than 1 month before the expiration date.
AMCA Research Fund does not make multi-year funding commitments. However, AMCA Research Fund will make a single-year commitment for a multi-year project. For multi-year projects, the year for which support is being requested must be indicated (e.g., “Year 2 of a 3-year project”). AMCA Research Fund is committed to funding small projects and cannot fund university overhead costs.
A brief update by awardees may be requested either publicly or privately to the AMCA Board of Directors during the 2018 AMCA annual meeting February 26-March 2, 2018 at the Sheraton Crown Center, Kansas City, MO.
AMCA Research Fund awardees are expected to attend, actively participate, and conduct an oral presentation at the 2019 AMCA Annual Meeting to promote the impact of their research and AMCA Research Fund’s role in that research. Depending on the number of AMCA Research Fund-funded projects, an AMCA Research Fund Research Symposium may be scheduled. At minimum, oral presentations of AMCA Research Fund-funded research will be slotted in the relevant sessions and specifically marked as AMCA Research Fund research in the 2019 AMCA Annual Meeting program.
Specific details on funding for attending the 2019 AMCA Annual Meeting must be included in the budget. See AMCARF Budget Worksheet (Excel Format) (PDF Format)
An Annual Report will be required:
• For projects funded for one year the deadline for the annual report is December 15, 2018.
• For projects requesting multi-year funding a progress report, in addition to the annual report, is due September 15, 2018 to be considered for additional funding with newly submitted proposals.
• The Annual Report and multi-year Progress Report formats will be published on the AMCA Research Fund webpage by summer 2018.
Required Application Materials
Proposals will include the following sections:
1. Proposal Cover Page
o See AMCARF Cover Sheet. (WORD format) (PDF format)
2. Body of Proposal; no more than 6 pages to cover the following headings:
o Introduction and Background
o Objectives
o Hypotheses
o Contribution to AMCARF Priority Area
o Materials and Methods, including figures and tables if needed
o Milestones and Timeline
o Anticipated Challenges and Solutions
3. Literature Cited
4. Budget
o See AMCARF Budget Worksheet (Excel format) (PDF format)
5. Optional Supporting Documents
o Letters of support and collaboration if needed
o Background/supporting data if needed
6. Resume(s) of principle investigator(s), following the NIH biosketch format:
o Name and contact information
o Position/title
o Education/training (Begin with baccalaureate or other professional education)
o Positions and employment
o Other relevant experience; previously and currently awarded grants
o Selected peer-reviewed publications