The IPM Institute is pleased to announce the 2017 Apple A Day IPM Calendar. This calendar celebrates AppleTalk and other IPM Institute programs serving orchards in the upper Midwest. Included in the calendar are descriptions of important crop and pest phenology, and IPM events for each week of the month. Plus, there is plenty of extra room to schedule your daily activities and make notes. These stories and photographs offer a fun way to plan your year and tell the narrative of growing apples and would make an excellent gift to employees, friends, family or valued customers.
The wall calendars are ready to ship in December. Please click here to place your order. All orders will be processed electronically. If you are having trouble placing an order please call Peter Werts, (608) 232-1410 x1002 or email him here.
“Apple A Day” Calendars Now Available, featuring Eco-Fruit Producers of Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin