Become a champion for pollinators with new online course from MSU

Did you know that over 90 crops in the U.S. are dependent on pollinators? Or that around 80 percent of all flowering plants need pollinators? Without pollinators, we would lose many of the fruits and vegetables we like to eat as well as the amazing diversity we enjoy out in nature. You may have heard about the dire situation some pollinators face, such as the endangered rusty patched bumble bee or the severe declines in migrating monarch butterfly populations. Now there is a free way to learn more about the important role pollinators play in our lives and what we can do to help them.

You can become a champion for pollinators by taking a new online course offered by Michigan State University called Pollinator Champions. The Michigan Pollinator Initiative team created Pollinator Champions because they saw growing public interest in gaining research-based information about pollinators and pollinator decline. Pollinator Champions will guide you through the amazing world of pollinators and pollination.

Register now on the Pollinator Champions webpage.

You can also read more about pollinators on the Michigan Pollinator Initiative website.