Bees for sale

I have three healthy full-strength honey bee hives for sale effective immediately. All three are in one-year old BeeMax hives with one-year old frames. No parasite or disease problems are present upon last inspection (one week ago), except varroa at very minimal (better than average) levels.
All three have new first-year queens, no aggressive traits, and great brood patterns. I am asking $150 each (less than the retail cost of the hives and bees together). You haul ’em.
If you, or anyone you know is interested, please contact me immediately.
Eric Mader
National Pollinator Outreach Coordinator
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
PO Box 8833, Madison, WI, 53708 USA
Tel: 608-628-4951 Fax: 503-233-6794