Breakfast at 2007 conference

Its set! The project – and that means YOU – are hosting another grower breakfast at the 2007 FFVGC on Tuesday January 9, from 7-8am. Please plan to attend and invite other growers who you think may be interested.
We will have a breakfast buffet (rather than a plated breakfast like last year)to better accomodate walk-ins. Around 7:15 (or whenever most people are through the line) we will start passing the mike. Last year we asked someone from each of the farmer networks to say a few words about their network. If it is okay with all of you, we will do that again. We also had a guest speaker, but I don’t have any ideas who that might be this year. Suggestions? I could do a 10 minute overview of the project’s successes (a shortened version of what you saw at our November meeting) but don’t want to cut short the time available for growers to talk together.
If you have any ideas / preferences about how to use this short hour, please let me know!