Josie Dillon

Josie has an M.S. in Entomology (2023) from the University of Minnesota and a B.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife Biology (2016) from the University of North Dakota. Prior to acquiring her M.S. in Entomology, she was part of the IPM Institute team from 2018-2020 as a Specialty Crops Project Coordinator working with apple growers in the Upper Midwest and Northeast region. During her time in graduate school, Josie learned much about applied entomology, completed research involving Colorado potato beetles, taught a course on the impact of insects across the world and through history, and volunteered time teaching kids about the importance of insects! This experience has led Josie back to the IPM Institute where she once again is working with apple growers in the Upper Midwest and will focus on helping grower groups and food industries across the country use the Pesticide Risk Tool to reduce pesticide risk on their farms. Josie is dedicated to helping growers and those in the agricultural industry to better understand and implement sustainable practices, especially as it relates to insect conservation and promoting pollinator health. Outside of work, Josie enjoys playing basketball, reading, camping and spending time with family and friends.