Eco-Apple Grower Strategy Meeting on March 4

As we mentioned at our November All-Networks meeting, it’s time to discuss what the Eco-Apple project should look like in the future. Eco-Apple growers like you need to decide how to proceed past June 2009, when our current funding will end. What more do you want from the project? Bring your interests and ideas to our Eco-Apple Grower Strategy Meeting.
Meeting Time: Tuesday, March 4 from 10:00am until 2:00pm
Meeting Place: Chula Vista Resort in the Dells
We will provide lunch, and can reimburse you for your mileage.
We chose this date and time to make our meeting more convenient for those of you who will be going to WAGA’s Apple Summit. The Apple Summit will be held at the Chula Vista on Monday, March 3. Check with WAGA for more details on the Summit.