Effective spraying of orchards a short course for pesticide applicators

A one-day, in-depth course with Andrew Landers on better spraying techniques
Thursday, June 10, 2010 8am-5pm in Door County
About the course
This new course about better spray application techniques will:

  • improve your knowledge of spraying techniques, leading to better deposition and less drift
  • improve your timeliness of application, resulting in better disease and insect control
  • reduce off-target drift, keeping you within the law
  • show you how to modernize your existing sprayer
  • inform you of new developments in sprayer design, keeping you up-to-date
  • help you potentially reduce pesticide use by 30 to 40 percent, improving your profitability

This unique, innovative program provides an intensive, one-day applied course including hands-on demonstrations in the field. The course developer and instructor is Dr. Andrew Landers, who is a pesticide application technology specialist with the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, New York.

Course objectives
Much has changed in recent years regarding application techniques. Course members will learn how to:

  • find out how their sprayer works
  • make effective adjustments
  • place the spray on target
  • calibrate their sprayer
  • select the correct nozzles for the correct droplet size
  • change airflow and speed to keep the spray in the canopy
  • prepare the sprayer for work
  • decontaminate the sprayer for winter storage
  • monitor where the spray is going, using cards and tracer dyes

Course size is limited to 24 participants, which will allow for active discussions and interaction.
The course is targeted to sprayer operators, to enable them to get the most out of their machines.
To learn more about the workshop, contact Regina Hirsch at the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, UW-Madison, 608-265-3637 or
Download the course brochure here:
Download file