EPA Alumni Response to Trump Staff Cuts at EPA from Exectutive Director Chuck Elkins

Dear Colleagues,

Today is a big day for EPA Employees and the Association and They need your help!

I still vividly remember the phone call I got in February of 1981 telling me that President Reagan was shutting down the EPA program I was directing. My first thought was “What a loss for the public” (I was, after all, a policy wonk), but in a few seconds my thoughts turned to the human side of the equation–more than a hundred people to be forced out into the street. And then my thoughts quickly became personal: I had two teenage children who would soon be heading to college. I panicked–clearly I needed to look for another job!

I don’t need to tell you that many of our colleagues at the agency are going through the same agony in anticipation of the shutdown or cutback of their program and/or the loss of their job. Many of our fellow alumni are working hard to try to keep these program cuts from happening, and there have been some successes so far. However, many employees are likely to choose to leave or be forced to leave even under the best of the likely scenarios.

We all want to help these colleagues, if we can. For this reason, a very hard-working Association committee (members listed below) has created an online Job Center in less than a month’s time for use by current EPA employees and alumni.

What can YOU do this very instant to help? We need to get the word out about today’s opening of this Center. The Center is not worth much if employees and employers don’t know about it. If you have a Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn account or still have friends at EPA, you can help right now:

Find our PAGE, EPA Alumni Association (@EPAalumniassoc) and “like” us and invite your friends to “like” our page. Most importantly, find the posting there of our Press Release about the Center (here’s a copy) and SHARE it with your friends, along with a short message from you about why it is important.

Tweet about our new Center and add @EPAAlumniAssoc to all of your tweets.

Share our Press Release on your Linkedin account

If you have personal friends still at EPA, I’m sure they would like to know about the new Center.

And, of course, if you would like to help expand this Job Center, please volunteer by emailing the Committee.

Finally, if you get a call or email from one of these job seekers asking you to help them network with people you know in the field, please do help them. After all, the combined personal networks of our 1550+ members should serve as a pretty good safety net to help them stay in the environmental field and continue to support their children (including sending them to college!)

Thanks for your help to make this Job Center a success !

Chuck Elkins
Executive Director

Job Center Committee:
Co-Chairs:Penny Fenner-Crisp and Candy Brassard
Fred Rubel, Bill Hirzy, Ingrid Wadsworth, Sherry Glick, Deb Yamamoto, Phyllis Flaherty, Chuck Elkins, and Lynn Bradley
(Please come help us)