Guthion and imidan use

As you all know, EPA issued its final decision on Azinphos-methyl to phase out the remaining uses by September 30, 2012. EPA plans to further restrict phosmet (imidan)and will include risk mitigation on labels of phosmet products sold or distributed by the registrant after June 2008. Additional phosmet mitigation includes:
* lower seasonal maximum application rates
* prohibition of phosmet application until after certain high-exposure activities have occurred
* a 25-foot buffer zone around occupied dwellings for ground applications
* a 50-foot buffer zone around occupied dwellings for aerial applications
* health protective entry restrictions for pick-your-own operations
Are any of you planning to experiment with pest control strategies that would test these future restrictions? If so, let me know. We would like to work with you to tell about your experiences.
For additional information on phosmet, click here.