IPM Conference Call: Webinar #2, May 15, 2012

John finished out our first webinar series with a presentation entitled “Working those IPM Muscles – When to Worry About What,” continuing on last week’s theme about managing intelligently for beneficials and against resistance development.

Please download the video recording below. We’ve also made the slides available in PDF form.


  • Download the video recording of the May 15 webinar here. (Note: This is an audio/video recording, and it’s about 90MB in size. Right-click to download to your local hard drive, or just left-click normally to view it in the browser.)
  • Download a PDF of the slides  here.

Related Resources

Call Transcript, May 15, 2012

(NOTE: This week we’re not providing a transcript, because all of the discussion happened in conjunction with the slides and images in the webinar. Please download and watch the recording.)