July 22 IPM Conference Call

1. If you have woolly apple aphid, check to see if the colonies are alive by blowing the wool off and using a hand lens.
2. It is not too late to do a leaf analysis. Trees are setting terminal buds later this year than last year.
3. It is not too late to check for and treat borers.
4. John has not yet seen a “big flush” of apple maggots.
5. Some growers in southern WI have reached second generation biofix for CM.
6. John is still seeing a surprising amount of late PC oviposition.
7. John has found apple curculio in a couple of orchards. Apple curculio could become more of a problem as growers switch to narrower-spectrum pesticides.
8. If you are monitoring SJS with double-sided tape, remember to replace the tape often. Save the old tape on a piece of paper or cardboard.
9. John is still seeing a wide range of larval instars of OBLR.
10. John has not yet seen RBLR hatch.
1. Importance of checking the efficacy of your CM control strategy before larvae exit apples.
2. Different, possibly more effective mite predators seen in orchards this year.
3. Japanese Beetle: milky spore disease considered ineffective on, contested efficacy of traps for, options for killing trapped beetles, preference for honeycrisp, spot-spraying for, typical four-week life cycle of
4. Powdery mildew: possible explanations for emerging problems with, importance of controlling on trees recently bought at a nursery
5. Light blue/gray growth, similar in form to lichen, harboring scale on an orchard.
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