June 11 Conference Call Summary

John’s updates:
1. John saw a resurgence of CM last week.
2. OBLR and Dogwood borers are flying.
3. Scab is multiplying.
4. Signs of Fire Blight damage are increasing.
(see John’s scouting notes in the entry prior to this one for more updates)
Conversation Topics:
1. Growers reported on the following regarding CM:
a) Highest individual, and orchard average, trap counts for the seven days prior to first CM control application.
b) The insecticide used (actual rate per acre, with actual gpa water) for first (and second if applicable) application.
c) Highest individual, and orchard average, trap counts for the 0-7 day, and 7-14 day post application.
d) GDD (actual-base 50) accumulated since last CM control application.
2. Growers reported on the presence or absence of CM stings on their apples.
3. The affect of a CM lure’s age on trap counts.
4. Spray intervals between Ryman, then Assail vs. Assail, then Ryman.
5. Lipophilic nature of Ryman.
6. Deciding whether to spray or not to spray when CM trap counts are under threshold.
7. When to apply CM virus, and relative cost of two virus product options.
8. Fire blight: How much is out there, snapping out vs. not snapping out strikes.
If you would like to hear the call recording, dial (641) 985-5036, then enter the access code 516817. You will be able to hear the recording until it is replaced by the next week’s call. The next call will be held on Monday, June 18.