June 24 IPM Conference Call Summary

John’s Updates

1. If you are noticing unusual plant bugs or weevils, they are probably nothing to worry about. Many come from recently mowed alleyways or hay ground.
2. It is almost always worth it to snap off any shoot blight that you find. This will reduce innoculum.
3. Especially if you have young trees, watch for powdery mildew. The best material for control will likely be a sterol inhibitor.
4. CM numbers are variable but heading downwards. If you need to apply another spray for first generation CM, make sure it is not the same material that you are planning to use for second generation CM or apple maggot.
5. Oriental fruit moth can cause damage late in the season. Put out OFM lures around the 10th of August and monitor them through the middle of September.
6. Apple maggot traps should be out at this time.
1. Many growers think they may have overthinned this season. John is willing to collate and analyze thinning information to see how different approaches have worked this season. To participate, see the Apple Talk post entitled “Help John Aue collate and analyze growers’ thinning practices”
2. Suspected catch of light brown apple moth
3. OBLR: management timing, checking for larval hatch, deciding whether or not to spray, effective ovicides and larvicides, problems with OBLR traps/lures
4. Article on rainfastness in MSU’s Fruit CAT newsletter. Find the article at: http://www.ipm.msu.edu/cat08fruit/f06-17-08.htm#3
5. Management timing for sooty blotch/fly speck.
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