Michegan State has a sent a few updates regarding its educational programming this season:
-Registration is due for the second webinar in Michigan State’s series. This webinar is entitled “Winter Pruning for Best Results.”
-A new webinar entitled “Fire Blight Options for Michigan Growers in 2009” has been added to the lineup.
Webinar #1- A “Greener” Congress and a “Green” Public = Changes Coming in Michigan Apple Production by Mark Whalon is ready for purchase.
For more information see the extended entry.
REGISTRATION DUE – WEBINAR #2- Winter Pruning for Best Results
Registration is now due for this Thursday, February 12, 2009 1-2:30 pm Webinar. Go to the MAA website for more info on registration: http://www.michiganappleassociation.com/EducationalPrograms.aspx Please note we have lengthened the time of this Webinar. Dr. Perry wants growers to know that during the Webinar he will spend about 50% of his time addressing the Vertical Axe system and the other 50% on traditional Central Leader pruning and training and overall basics of pruning. Dr. Perry has some specially prepared orchard footage ready for his Webinar. This is a great practical opportunity to brush up on your own pruning skills and those of your employees with no travel time. Sponsored by Peach Ridge Orchard Supply Inc. http://www.peachridge.com/
NEW WEBINAR # 4….Fire Blight Options for Michigan Growers in 2009!
Dr. George Sundin Dept. of Plant Pathology, Michigan State University (MSU)
Thursday, April 23, 2009, 1-2 p.m. Broadcast from MSU
Learn the prognosis and potential treatment options and updates from MSU’s fire blight expert, Dr. George Sundin, in this newly-scheduled Webinar. This online course is scheduled just before bloom begins in Michigan orchards, to provide you with the latest information as we head into the scary blossom blight time frame. Streptomycin resistance has crept into some Southwest and Fruit Ridge orchards, making alternative treatments mandatory for some. Learn your options, and get a refresher on the optimal fire blight control strategies. Qualifies for Take 2 Get 1 (PRC credit). Sponsored by Arysta Life Science
Did you miss Webinar #1- A “Greener” Congress and a “Green” Public = Changes Coming in Michigan Apple Production ? Need to know how to prove that your monitoring and reducing environmental impact for EQUIP, CSP funds, etc? Wondering what the future is for Reduced-Risk (RR) and OP-Alternative compounds? Wondering about effectiveness data on some of the “softer” biopesticides? Catch up with Dr. Whalon by ordering the Vodcast (Video on Demand) captured during the session and watch it at your convenience. Cost is $20 or $15 for MAA members. Registration form is attached for your convenience. Technology requirements are the same for Vodcasts and Webinars. Upon receipt of registration and payment the hyperlink for Vodcast will be emailed, to address provided with registration, in 2-3 business days. Qualifies for Take 2 Get 1 (PRC credit). Sponsored by Bayer Crop Science
Wondering if your computer system will allow you to participate in a Webinar? Have questions about participating in a Webinar? We have a handout available that will bring you up-to-speed on participating in a MAA Webinar. We have compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions plus provided a link for you to test your computer’s access to Adobe Connect Pro which supports MAA Webinars. See “Introduction for Webinars/Vodcasts” Quick Info Tab on the MAA website welcome page.