The NYS IPM Program seeks nominations of people working in agricultural IPM (fruit, vegetables, ornamentals, and livestock and field crops) and in community IPM (schools, homes, landscapes, turf, and municipalities). New Yorkers involved in communicating about IPM through the media are also eligible.
Candidates for an Excellence in IPM Award are individuals or organizations whose IPM work in New York State deserves special recognition. Excellence in IPM Awards recognize effort in:
- developing new IPM tools;
- implementing or evaluating IPM methods in their operations, businesses, or organizations;
- encouraging demonstrations and adoption of IPM;
- promoting IPM and bolstering the adoption of IPM practices; or
- educating others about IPM.
Previous IPM award winners have worked with the NYS IPM Program, commodity groups, private organizations, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and in other settings to help develop and promote the use of IPM.
The NYS IPM Program staff work with Cornell Cooperative Extension, the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, and the IPM Operating Committee to select Excellence in IPM Award winners from the nomination pool. Awards are traditionally presented within 12 months of winners being notified, at a professional meeting or conference appropriate to the individual’s area of expertise.