Organic Apple Grower’s Hour: July 24 Summary

Participants: (9 total) Peter Johnson, Waupaca, WI; Bob Willard, Rochester, WI; Doug Waples, Soldier, IA; Harry Hoch, La Crescent, MN; Sam Atkins, Bayfield, WI; Dierdre Birmingham, Mineral Point, WI; Dan Kelly, Canton, MO; Lisa DiPietro, Madison, WI; Michael Phillips, Groveton, NH
Discussion topics:
1. Current events in Michael’s orchard: apple maggot and CM damage within acceptable limits
2. Experiences at Shelburne Orchard: sulfur-surround slump, fireblight problems, etc. website:
3. Seven approaches to managing aphids
4. Liquid fish: cost per 55 gal drum, spray timing, spray rate
5. Benefits of liquid kelp
6. Use of nematodes in conjunction with mulches for control of overwintering codling moth
7. Research needs: establishing a baseline of orchard health using soil food web testing, brix levels, etc.; developing homegrown pest management solutions as inputs become more expensive
8. Opportunity to collaborate at a Midwestern winter grower’s retreat
If you would like to hear the call recording, dial (712) 432-1284, then enter this access code: 868736. Each week’s recording will be available via telephone until it is erased by the following week’s call.

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