Progress through sharing: announcing iPiPE newsletter

The Integrated Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education (iPiPE) has recently begun releasing monthly updates informing readers on the great work Extension specialists, growers and interns are doing together to share actionable information to help protect crops, and other exciting iPiPE happenings.

As of 2018, iPiPE has supported 28 Crop-Pest Programs (CPPs) that unite extension professionals with undergraduate student interns to incentivize growers and consultants to submit observations on target and endemic pests by providing tools and information for timely management decisions. Survey results from iPiPE alumni show that students who were contemplating a career in agriculture before the iPiPE internship found their CPP a useful stepping stone on the path to achieving that ambition.

Subscribers can expect newsletter content that is driven by CPP activity and focuses on increasing awareness and interest for the iPiPE platform. Content will interest both advanced iPiPE users and readers who are new to iPiPE. In addition to monthly newsletters, iPiPE will organize webinars and feature articles made available to those who join the mailing list.

iPiPE’s mission is to improve plant health, crop yields and enhance farm profitability; build local and regional capacities to detect and respond to crop pest problems; promote integrated pest management practices to reduce adverse environmental effects; and enhance our nation’s infrastructure to ensure a sustainable and secure food supply.

You can subscribe now by filling out the quick subscription form linked here: