Tick IPM


Tick Academy

Once a year, the Tick IPM Working Group hosts the Tick Academy, which is an opportunity for researchers, educators, students, public health professionals, pest control professionals, public-space managers and citizen scientists interested in learning more about what they can do to stop the spread of ticks and tick-borne diseases in their communities.

This year’s Tick Academy will take place October 16 – 17, 2024 10 AM – 2 PM CST.

Speakers and schedule TBA!

Tick Academy 2024 Registration Day 1, October 16, 2024

The Tick Academy is an opportunity for researchers, educators, students, public health professionals, pest control professionals, public-space managers and citizen scientists interested in learning more about what they can do to stop the spread of ticks and tick-borne diseases in their communities.

Billing Address
Speakers and schedule TBA!

Tick Academy 2024 Registration Day 2, October 17, 2024

The Tick Academy is an opportunity for researchers, educators, students, public health professionals, pest control professionals, public-space managers and citizen scientists interested in learning more about what they can do to stop the spread of ticks and tick-borne diseases in their communities.

Billing Address

Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions after each presentation and will learn about new developments and research in the tick world.

Scroll to the bottom of this page to reach Ryan Nolan with any questions or to request to be added to our distribution list to receive timely Tick Academy updates.


The Tick Academy is proudly supported by
the following sponsors:










Sponsorship levels and benefits include:

Gold – $1,000 

Five or more social media mentions.

Large company logo on Tick Academy website.

Company logo in the agenda and the Tick Academy’s slide deck.

Company logo on marketing materials.

Three complimentary registrations for both days (Value = $150)

List of attendees.


Silver – $500 

Three to four social media mentions (Facebook and X).

Company logo on Tick Academy webpage.

Company logo included in the agenda and the Tick Academy’s slide deck.

Two complimentary registrations (Value = $100).


Bronze – $250 

One to two social media mentions.

Company name on Tick Academy website.

Inclusion in the Tick Academy’s slide deck.

One complimentary registration for both days (Value = $50).


Please contact Ryan Nolan by scrolling to the end of this page if interested in learning more about sponsoring the Tick Academy.



The Tick IPM Working Group hosts free monthly webinars on the second Wednesday of each month from 1 – 2 PM CST with the exception of July and October – we will be preparing for and hosting the annual Tick Academy during those months.





This work is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Crop Protection and Pest Management Program through the North Central IPM Center (2022-70006-38001).



To Learn More, Please Contact

Ryan Anderson

Specialist II: Sustainable Communities Group