The 2011 Eco Apple Protocol

We have the Eco Apple spray protocol for 2011, provided by Peter Werts from the IPM Institute.

Download the quick guide or the full version.


A sample from the quick guide:

Final Eco Apple Protocol Quick Guide V 7.5 – FOR 2011 SEASON – 04/07/2011
This guide is designed for growers to quickly access information based on apple growth stages.  Other factors remain critically important. These include scouting and trapping, monitoring weather and using a season-long approach.  It will not be necessary to take actions at every growth stage.  There may be other products available that are not listed here, and not all products listed here may be available in every state.  FOLLOW THE ECO APPLE PROTOCOL, YOUR STATE REGULATIONS AND ALL LABEL DIRECTIONS. 



  • Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) management guidelines, pg. 9-10.
  • Rubigan renamed as Vintage, pg. 2.
  • Prophyte 4.2L added for sooty blotch and flyspeck management, pg. 6.
  • Changes to Table A. Activity of fungicides against summer diseases, pg. 8.


Dormant to  

Silver Tip

Fire blight 


Kocide 2000 (copper hydroxide)………………………………………….

OR   C-O-C-S (copper oxychloride)…………………………………………….

OR   Cuprofix Disperss (complexed basic copper sulfate)……………..

OR   Champ Flowable (copper hydroxide)……………………………………

OR   Bordeaux mix 8-8-100 plus oil……………………………………………..


Early-season copper may reduce inoculum of some other diseases. Maximum of two copper applications per season.



4 lb. per 100 gal.

4 lb. per 100 gal.

6.6 lb per 100 gal.

2 qt. per 100 gal.

8 lb. copper sulfate

8 lb. spray lime

1 qt oil per 100 gal.