“The Application of Physiological Principles to Fruit Crops”

Cornell is offering an advanced school at the Geneva Station March 25th. I know this is a topic of interest for many of you. If you are able to attend, please let us know and consider sharing what you’ve learned!  http://events.cals.cornell.edu/indepthschool2014

This meeting will be a one-day intensive school focusing on fruit crop physiology and the applications of physiological principles in the orchard. The meeting will feature 6 scientists who have been the leaders of fruit physiology for the last 35-40 years and who are all retiring (alphabetically, Ted DeJong, University of California-Davis; James Flore, Michigan State University; Duane Greene, University of Massachusetts; Alan Lakso, Cornell University; John Palmer, Plant and Food Research, NZ; and James Syvertsen, University of Florida). We invite you to attend and learn how to better manage orchards from their collective knowledge.

The meeting attendance will be limited to 200 people so we urge to register early before the space is filled up. The meeting is being advertised to members of the fruit production industries in the eastern US.

The in-depth school will serve as a vehicle for fruit industry leaders to hear presentations on practical physiology as it relates to orchard management but also will allow time for networking and discussion.

Details and registration information are available at the Web site: http://events.cals.cornell.edu/indepthschool2014

For more information call Gemma Osborne at 315-787-2248, fax number 315-787-2443 or email at

Program Tuesday March 25, 2014
7:00-8:00am Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00-8:15am Introduction to the School-Terence Robinson
8:15-9:15am Physiology of Light Interception, Orchard Design and Fruit Quality-John Palmer
9:15-10:15am Peach Physiology-Ted DeJong

10:15-10:45am Break

10:45-11:45am Photosynthesis, Fruit Growth and Development-Alan Lakso
11:45-12:00pm Discussion-Steve Hoying

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

1:00-2:00pm Plant Growth Regulation-Duane Greene
2:00-3:00pm Water Relations and Irrigation-James Syvertsen

3:00-3:30pm Break

3:30-4:30pm Cherry Physiology-James Flore
4:30-5:15pm Discussion: How can we better utilize Physiological Principles in the Orchard-Terence Robinson

6:00-9:00pm Optional Dinner with Physiology Scientists from around the world who will
be attending the scientific symposium on fruit crop physiology Mar. 26-28
at Geneva.