The New York IPM Program Seeking Nominations for it’s 2016 “Excellence in IPM Awards”

The New York State Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program is currently seeking nominations for its annual “Excellence in IPM Awards” for the year 2016.

Candidates for Excellence in IPM Awards should be individuals or organizations whose work in the New York State deserves special recognition. They can be awarded for:

  • developing new IPM tools
  • implementing or evaluating IPM methods in their operations, businesses, or organizations
  • encouraging demonstrations and adoption of IPM
  • promoting IPM and bolstering the adoption of IPM practices
  • educating others about IPM

To nominate an individual or an organization, you must meet one of these criteria or co-nominate with someone who is an employee of either Cornell University or Cornell Cooperative Extension or serves on the NYS IPM Program committee. No self nominations will be accepted.

Nominators: Please submit a signed letter no longer than two pages containing the following information:

  • Your name, title, organization address, telephone number, e-mail address and affiliation with the nominee.
  • Nominee’s name, title, organization, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
  • Reasons for the nomination, including a description of the nominee’s operation (e.g., farm, consulting firm, business) if applicable, IPM philosophy, IPM innovations, and other activities relevant to IPM. If you are nominating an organization describe its goals, business products or services and its IPM philosophy and practices.
  • Suggestions for the suitable venues for presenting the award, for example the statewide Fruit and Vegetable Expo or NYS Turf & Groups Expo.
  • Photos of the nominee practicing IPM are appreciated (but not required) at the time if submission, or later of you are notified that your nominee has won an award.

Please also submit:

  • At least two supporting letters of recommendation from people who have ben positively affected by the nominee, also signed.
  • Additional information (newspaper articles, letters, photographs, etc.) as appropriate.

Please submit letters to Dr. Jennifer Grant, Director, NYS IPM Program. Submit nominations and supporting materials to Janet Garlick, Administrator.

NYS IPM Program 630, W. North Street, Geneva, NY 14456

Nominations must be received at the IPM Program office on or before Wednesday October 26th, 2016. Email submissions will not be accepted.

Additional information about the NYS IPM Program can be found here.

Details about previous award winners can be found here.