Bob Barthel forwarded this message to me from Juliet Carroll (Cornell’s Fruit IPM Coordinator):
TracApple, TracPear, TracCherry, and TracStoneFruit are now available at:
All the bugs in the 2008 software have been fixed or eliminated. Look for TracGrape and TracBerry on the website in early April.
NEW in 2009:
* Link to the Good Agricultural Practices website on the Trac sheet.
* New reports – NYS DEC Applicator/Technician Pesticide Annual Report (ApplicatorReport-26), List of Commercial Applicators and Technicians report (Applicators-26A), and Record Keeping Information (RecordKeeping-26)
* Applicators sheet now list by last name, first name and contains the listing of spray equipment.
* Site Lists sheet will now send Block sizes automatically to
SprayData, provided it is not a partial treatment
* SprayData has column to indicate if spray was partial treatment to a block to potentiate automatic entry of Block size.