Upcoming EPA Webinar on Creating a School IPM Program, with Dr. Thomas Green of the IPM Institute

Join the EPA, Dr. Thomas Green and School IPM experts Raul Rivas and Francine Locke on November 15th for a 90-minute webinar on developing a comprehensive Integrated Pest Management program for your school.  Like people, pests need food, water, and shelter to survive.  IPM removes these, controls existing infestations and reduces future invasions.

Districts with successful IPM programs have everyone in the school community working together for a healthier learning environment. How can a school reach this level of success in managing pests? It starts by having a plan – an IPM plan. Whether a school is just starting an IPM program, reinvigorating an existing plan or sustaining an effective IPM strategy – it’s helpful to take stock of your school pest management assets and set a plan for improvement.

This webinar will cover the principles of effective school IPM and the specific components of a comprehensive school IPM plan. Find out who should be involved in developing and implementing IPM practices in your district. Speakers will discuss what motivated their districts to start IPM programs and will examine how administration buy-in and cross-program support can lead to district-wide success.

Attending this webinar will give you the foundation for developing and implementing the most successful IPM plan for your district.

Speakers include Dr. Thomas Green, President and Co-founder of the IPM Institute, Raul Rivas, Director of School Facilities and Security for the Metropolitan School District of Pike Township in Indianapolis, Indiana and recipient of the EPA award for leadership in IPM implementation, and Francine Locke, Environmental Director for the School District of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania.  Space is limited to the first 1,000 to attend.  For more information, visit here or register here.