Webinar on Managing Apple Pests Without OPs free to Eco-Apple Network Growers

On Thursday, March 5 from 1-2pm Eastern time, Dr. Larry Gut will present a webinar entitled “Looking Ahead: Managing Apple Pests Without OPs.”
We will pay the $30 registration fee for any Eco-Apple Network grower interested in this webinar. Contact Lisa DiPietro by February 23 at 608-265-3637 or to make arrangements.
Here is the webinar description:
Managing the wily worm in the apple… The good news: Apple growers have several new insecticides to choose from for managing their key pest, the wily codling moth. The not-so-good news – they are more expensive than the older options. A little knowledge on how best to use the new chemistries should go a long way toward getting the most for your money.
Fruit flies, scale and wooly apple aphid… These are just a few of the insect pests starting to show up in greater numbers in Michigan apple orchards. As registered insecticides become more selective, they are changing the entire pest control landscape with “new” insects showing up. Learn about the new options for controlling some of these pests.
Disrupting the sex lives of insects: This novel approach to managing codling moth, Oriental fruit moth and a few other pests is catching on in Michigan. Two area-wide codling moth mating disruption programs, both of which are proving their worth, have been the catalyst. Learn the latest in how to use this technology, and how working with your neighbors is keeping the worms at bay and saving money.”

What’s a webinar?
A Webinar is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the World Wide Web. Key feature is its interactive elements; the ability to give, and receive and discuss information.

Technology for MAA Webinars…
* Includes live PowerPoint presentation with audio by sponsor (5 min) and expert speaker (40 min), with an email question and answer session.
* Requires high speed Internet. Requires working speakers
* Requires Flash Player from Adobe which is installed on 98% of computers. This is free software. A hyperlink will be provided for downloading or updating this software add-in.
* MAA Webinars are transmitted utilizing Adobe Connect Pro. A hyperlink for a quick test of your computer is provided below. Please perform this test well in advance of the scheduled Webinar on the computer you will be using for the Webinar. If your computer is not ready, the test will indicate what adjustments may need to be made to your computer system.
* o http://breeze.msu.edu/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm
* Virus protection software, firewalls or security systems may block your use of Adobe Connect Pro. Please run the above test.
* Just prior to the Webinar broadcast beginning a short presentation will be given on the use of Adobe Connect and how the audience will input questions. Please logon to the Webinar approximately 5 minutes early.

MAA Webinars Logistics…
* MAA Webinars are a for fee service
* Michigan growers who join MAA pay less for Webinars
* Registration at least one week in advance is highly encouraged so you can test the connection and troubleshoot any problems before the day of the actual Webinar. See above.
* Registration may be made via U.S. Mail or MAA web-site (Pay Pal/credit card). Be sure to provide legible email address on registration form.
* You will not receive password and user name information in your email from MAA. We provide you with a hyperlink which takes you to MSU Breeze Server where you can read and enter the necessary password and user name information. A test of this should also be done in advance of actual Webinar in case you personally require further instruction.
* MAA staff 517-669-8353, ext. 38, or are happy to help you.