Western IPM Center Annual Grants RFA Available Today

The Western IPM Center grant program request for applications is now available. Applications are due in approximately 60 days – December 9, 2016 – for projects that begin in spring of 2017.

There will be about $250,000 in funding available for one-year grants in the following categories:

  • Project Initiation, which begin new IPM research. $30,000 maximum.
  • Work Groups, which bring collaborators together. $30,000 maximum.
  • Outreach & Implementation, which directly promote IPM adoption. $30,000 maximum.
  • IPM Planning Documents, which create crop profiles and pest management strategic plans. $15,000 maximum.

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. Pacific on December 9.

One thing that is different this year is that the USDA now does approve research on industrial hemp, and hemp projects would be eligible for funding if they meet USDA guidelines. (See those guidelines)

The Western IPM Center grant program and our priorities are described in detail on the Center Grants section of our website, and the RFA is also posted on the For Applicants page.

Please forward this newsletter or the RFA to colleagues you believe might be interested, and share the news with your IPM networks in the West.

Download the RFA

Western IPM Center Associate Director Matt Baur will host a webinar to go through the RFA and answer any questions on Wednesday, November 2 at 2 p.m. Pacific.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android here


Dial: 646-558-8656 or 408-638-0968

Meeting ID: 788 132 454