Wisconsin’s Eco-tourism site

Want to list your orchard on the state’s new Eco-tourism site? There are only two orchards / pick-your-own farms listed thus far on this new site. This would be a great way to tout your commitment to eco-friendly apple production.
Travel Green Wisconsin: www.travelgreenwisconsin.com, 608-280-0360

Travel Green Wisconsin is a voluntary self-certifying sustainable tourism program. To earn certification, applicants must first supply the Wisconsin Environmental Initiative with a Baseline Environmental Performance Assessment. The baseline collects information about the amount of energy, fuel, water, and solid waste that the business consumed during the last calendar year. Next, the applicants must commit to enough sustainable business practices found within the TGW checklist to accumulate 30 or more points. These practices are categorized as follows:
* Communication and Education (Customers, Employees, Public)
* Waste Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling
* Energy Efficiency, Conservation, and Management
* Water Conservation and Wastewater Management
* Air Quality
* Wildlife and Landscape Conservation and Management
* Transportation
* Purchasing
* Local Community Benefits
Finally, applicants must submit an annual fee to participate in the program.