2018 Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable, and Farm Market EXPO – First Call for posters

Poster submissions are due by NOVEMBER 21st!


The Great Lakes EXPO poster session is part of the concurrent educational program hosted by Michigan State University, the Michigan State Horticultural Society, and the Michigan Vegetable Council during the Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Market EXPO in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Posters are meant to showcase current research and extension projects relevant to fruit and vegetable producers and marketers in the Great Lakes region. Posters are organized by crop and topic area and displayed along the Grand Concourse of the DeVos Convention Center.

Each year the Great Lakes EXPO attracts more than 4000 growers, farm marketers, greenhouse operators, and processors of fruit and vegetable crops from the Great Lakes Region and beyond. This year the EXPO will be held December 4-6.

Presenting authors receive complementary registration to the EXPO. Authors are NOT required to stand by their posters.


  • Results of extension, demonstration, and research work on fruit and vegetable pest management techniques, pest phenology, production practices, harvesting innovations, marketing tools, and packaging design.
  • Summaries, from previous articles or scientific publications, transformed into posters or previously presented posters from other scientific and industry meetings (as long as they may be understood by a layperson).
  • Michigan State Horticultural Society Trust Fund project reports.
  • Updated or revised extension advisories.
  • Institutional promotional literature.
  • Please note: advertising and/or reports developed by commercial companies are not allowed in the poster session (that is the purpose of the exhibit hall space).


  • Submit your poster title(s), full authorship, and the name and mail/email addresses of the presenting author using the online form by Wednesday, NOVEMBER 21st (https://juliannatuell.weebly.com/glexpo-poster-submission-form.html). If submitting multiple posters, please submit each poster title separately. Presenting authors receive complementary registration.
  • Each poster will be assigned a 4 x 4 ft poster area – please be sure that your poster does not exceed these dimensions!
  • Posters may be affixed to boards using velcro (not provided) or push pins (provided).
  • When you arrive to install your poster, check in at the registration desk to find out your board assignment, to pick up your registration badge, and to pick up push pins (if needed).
  • Posters may be installed as early as the registration desk opens on Tuesday morning, but MUST BE INSTALLED by NOON on Tuesday and left up until NOON on Thursday.
  • Pertinent brochures, reprints, or 8.5×11″ copies of the poster may accompany posters – please plan to attach a manila envelope to the board under the poster to contain them.
  • While standing by your poster is not required, the best time is usually during the hour right before or after the afternoon sessions (from 1-2pm or 4-5pm). If you plan to stand by your poster, be sure to post the time and date when you will be there.
  • Posters can be taken down between 12-2pm on Thursday – please do not take you poster down before noon. After 2pm, all remaining posters will be returned to the MSU campus.  Posters returned to campus will be available for pick up from room Room B18, Food Safety and Toxicology Building – presenting authors will receive an email to tell them posters are ready for pick up.

To achieve the greatest impact in this forum:

  • Keep in mind that people attending the meeting have limited viewing time.
  • Make your poster colorful with plenty of photos and summary graphs, and less text.
  • Focus on presenting the highlights of the work or story.
  • Information presented in text form should be in a large font readable from several feet away.