Bayfield County UW-Extension takes pride in inviting you to the Bayfield Fruit Grower’s Clinic 2006 on April 26 6.00 P.M..– 8.00 P.M. continued on April 27, 8.00 A.M. to 4.30 P.M. at the Bayfield Town Hall. This clinic is devoted to addressing commercial fruit production problems and to providing growers with the latest production technology in the fruit industry.
Registration fee for this program is $20.00 per person which includes dinner on April 26, lunch & refreshments on April 27 and presentation materials.
The pre-registration form is attached in brochure which I uploaded in the website. Please mail your registration form to us on or before April 20, 2006. We strongly encourage you to pre-register for this program in order to assure sufficient materials and meals.
For further information on the program and registration please contact us at 715-373-6104 ext 245.
We would like to extend our thankfulness to Eco Apple Project for supporting this program.
April 26
Evening Session
5:45 P.M Registration
6:15 P.M Dinner
6:45- “Rules & Regulations for Small
8.00 P.M. Commercial Processors”
A Round Table Discussion – Bruce Carroll,
Wisconsin Food Safety Supervisor, DATCP and
Steve Stoner, Food & Dairy Specialist, DATCP
April 27
Morning Session
8:00 A.M. Registration
8:30 am “Selecting Apple Cultivars for Bayfield”
Teryl R. Roper , Professor,
Dept. of Horticulture, UW—Madison
9:15 A.M. “Fruit Disease Problems &
Patricia S. McManus, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Plant Pathology, UW—Madison
10:00 A.M. Break
10:15 A. M “Introduction to Beneficial
Insects & Their Role in Apple
Pest Management” Daniel L. Mahr , Professor,
Dept. of Entomology, UW—Madison
11:00 A.M. “Sweet Cherry Production &
Management in WI”
Matt J. Stasiak, Asst. Superintendent
Peninsular Ag. Research Station,
Sturgeon Bay, WI
April 27
Afternoon Session
11:45 A.M.— LUNCH
1.00 P.M. “Advanced Raspberry Production
& Management”
Brian R. Smith, Small Fruit Specialist, Dept. of Plant & Earth Science, UW—River Falls
1.45 P.M. “Grape Production & Management
in WI”
Robert J. Tomesh, Professor, Dept. of Horticulture, UW– Madison
2.30 P.M. Break
2.45 P.M.— “Advanced Blueberry Production
& Management”
David K. Wildung, Professor,
North Central Research & Outreach Center,
University of Minnesota, Grand Rapids, MN
3.30 P.M. “Advanced Strawberry Production
& Management”
Brian R. Smith, Small Fruit Specialist, Dept. of Plant & Earth Science, UW—River Falls
4.15 P.M. Adjourn