Download the June 21 recording here:
Get the MP3 version.
A full summary will be posted in the following days. For now, see the…
Basic Topic List
- On severe weather risks and management approaches
- Black rot / white rot
- Fire blight
- On mites and mite scouting: knowing when to take action and when to let predators do their work
- On scab: how do you respond to scab that’s already developed in your orchard?
- On Cedar apple rust
- On Powdery mildew: signs, risks, and management techniques
- On Oblique banded leaf rollers
THE NEXT CALL will be on Tuesday, June 28 at 8am Central Time. We will have John Wise on the line to talk about the rainfastness and effectiveness of new pesticides under weather conditions. SEND IN YOUR QUESTIONS! Please remember that we have begun using the new call-in number (that is 760-569-7676, access code 272044). If you have any questions for John, send them to John at (or, if you can’t email, call at 608-604-0234) by Monday.
On free Skype calling: Remember that with this new service, you can use Skype to call in to the live call for free. It looked like we had one, or at most two, people taking advantage of the free Skype-to-Skype feature today. Please see the previous announcement emails for information about how to set this up.
A couple other people had some problems with the setup, however. They added the FreeConferenceCallHD.7605697676 contact but the contact remained offline or unavailable. If you add the contact and it says it’s offline, just go ahead and try to call it anyway by right clicking on the contact and clicking “Call.”
If you’d like to try setting up Skype before next week’s call, please feel free to test out your setup by dialing the conference call service at any time during the week. Also, if you run into any problems getting it to work or have any questions about Skype, please contact me at or 541-207-6535 (my cell) so we can figure it out together.
Call playback: Please note that the playback phone number has changed as of May 24, 2011. As of right now, it is not possible to play back an old recording for free using a Skype-to-Skype connection. To hear the most recent call, please dial the following regular phone number:
- Dial: (760) 569-7699, then enter this access code: 272044.
Call archives:
- Dial: 641-715-3800, then enter this access code: 28864 (this number has not changed).
*REMINDER: If you join the live calls, please mute your line by pressing *6 to avoid unwanted feedback. If you want to ask a question or make a comment, you can unmute your line by pressing *6 again. Thanks!