Here is a message from Bob Barthel about problems with Spectrum Weather equipment:
Quoting Bob…
I upgraded my weather station and software this winter.
I use Spectrum weather stations for my IPM program. Spectrum released a new version of the software, Spec8 Pro, which is required for their 2000 series weather stations and orchard monitors. Spec 8 has a few problems. The items that I’ve seen are:
1. Weather Monitor (watchdog manager, current conditions) rainfall readouts are incorrect. Wind speed readings missing decimal point.
2. Auto-download crashes. SpecADL.exe generates an error. See c:\program files\specware\SpecADL.2007.log.
3. Weather station alert crashes (watchdog manager, properties, alert schedule, create an alert, enable, ok). SpecMon7 generates an division by zero error.
I’ve been in touch with Spectrum to get this resolved. However, I have not received a patch as yet. If you are using Spec 8 Pro, please confirm whether or not your system is working. And if not, call Spectrum to get this fixed. You do not want to debug weather equipment during the IPM season.
Bob Barthel